Airfield search


Also known as: Bramcote Aerodrome / Gamecock Barracks / HMS Gamecock / RAF Bramcote / RAF Station, Bramcote / RN Air Station, Bramcote / RNAS Bramcote
County: Warwickshire
Current Status: Army barracks (main position) / Open land / Public roads
Date: 5 June 1940 - 10 November 1958
Current Use: Disused
Used By: RAF / RAF (Polish) / FAA
Landing Surface Types: Unpaved, later metal
Aircraft Roles: Anti-aircraft co-operation / Bomber (main role) / Fighter / Military development/support / Naval aviation (main role) / Trainer (main role)

The following organisations are either based at, use and/or have at least potentially significant connections with the airfield (as at 01/07/2024):

  • 30 Signal Regiment
  • Bramcote Golf
  • Bramcote HIVE 
  • Nuneaton (Oaston Road) Cemetery - RAF graves
  • Peter Pan Pre-School & Nursery
  • T&M Aviation - aircraft restoration and aviation hire
  • Wolvey Local History Group                   
  • Wolvey Parish Council

The following alternative information/mass media sources have at least potentially significant connections with the airfield (as at 30/11/2018);

  • Wolvey Village Website

Main unit(s) present:

  • No 1 Air Traffic School

  • No 1 School of Air Movement

  • No 6 AACU

  • No 17 ACHU

  • No 18 OTU

  • No 42 GS

  • No 105 (Transport) OTU

  • No 151 Sqn

  • No 215 Sqn

  • No 254 MU

  • No 300 Sqn

  • No 301 Sqn

  • No 304 Sqn

  • No 305 Sqn

  • No 801 Sqn

  • No 813 Sqn

  • No 815 Sqn

  • No 1381 (Transport) CU

  • No 1510 BABS Flight

  • No 1513 BAT Flight

  • No 1513 RAT Flight

  • No 1833 Sqn

  • No 1844 Sqn

  • No 2735 Sqn RAF Regiment
  • Oxford Test Flight

  • Squadron & Flight Commanders School

  • Transport Command Air Crew Examining Unit

  • Transport Command Examining Unit

  • Transport Command Initial Conversion Unit


A pillbox at Bramcote, 5 August 2012.

Polish armed forces at Bramcote, spring 1942. Courtesy of II Wojna Światowa - World War II - Seconde Guerre mondiale

Bramcote Open Day, 2015. Courtesy of Forces TV


Plan of Bramcote, c. late 1940s. © Royal Navy Research Archive. Click here for more information.


Bitteswell / HonileyNuneaton II

Decoy Airfield(s):


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